"Mum, why is that girl not talking with her mouth? Why is she using her hands..."
On the weekend, my family and I went out for lunch. We chose to sit outside as it was a beautiful day and we could see the water. We were all talking about the morning we had, when my four year old son said, "mum, why is that girl not talking with her mouth? Why is she using her hands?" I looked over to the table and couldn't see the young girl talking or using her hands. I also did not wish to stare, so I said to my son. "I am not sure, maybe she was playing with her brother." Who was also sitting next to her.
Later on, he said. "Mum, she is doing it again. Look." My son is very inquisitive, we are used to him asking many questions. So, I looked over and the whole family was engaging in using sign language. I explained that the young girl was deaf (I saw her hearing aide) and they were communicating with her. He seemed upset for the young girl. I explained that she would not want us to feel upset for her. But rather see that she was using her skills, an ability not everyone had. To see that it was very clever to learn how to communicate with your hands and that it was special like a super power.
That night I read him my book. He asked a lot of questions. Including am I special? Do I have something that is different? We talked about all his qualities and attributes that make him unique. He now has a fascination with communicating with his hands and is experimenting and learning at home.
I am so grateful for the opportunities other in this world give us just my being themselves. Thank you to everyone out there for embracing who you are. Amazing and full of wonder.